Buying Licenses
Currently only customers with Invoice billing type can buy new licenses.
Please book a meeting with our sales team if you wish to change your billing type.
If you have a license issued by one of our partners you can still use it.
Login into the Unwired Edge Cloud Console at this URL, then click the DEVICE MANAGEMENT

On the left sidebar, click on the Licenses
Then choose the license you need and press BUY
below it.
You should see a window like this pop up:

If you get a different dialog mentioning to contact our sales team then your billing type is insufficient to buy licenses.
After selecting a number of licenses you want and reading both general terms of conditions and service description, press buy.
You should see a list of licenses generated for you, don’t worry you can view this list any time using the AVAILABLE
button above the BUY
To use your new license first you have to create a device with EXTERNAL-MTSG
Please see the adding device guide for more details.
For CloudLink licenses you need to add CloudLink to your Client Network Uplinks,
first toggle Use own config

Then add CloudLink (or Public Wifi depending on your license type):

After making these changes make sure to save them using:
devices you would usually download your config:

But you need assign a license to do so…
Using Licenses
button above to open assign license dialog:

Here you can see licenses available to you and a recommendation based on your configuration. If you have a license code provided by one of our partners, you can provide it in text field below.
Afterwards press ASSIGN
button, note that licenses are consumed:

You should now see the license is assigned and a config is now available for download:

That concludes the guide for using MTSG licenses from Console, you can also use the API to access these features.
Finally customers with a Teltonika device running RutOS can use the new license keys in their devices for CloudLink feature, see here for more details.