# API introduction The API is the main centerpiece of the Unwired Edge Cloud and is able to control all features and aspects of the service. The main feature blocks are: - Authz -> authentication and authorization - DM -> device management - management of devices and organizing them into groups - management of device configuration (incl. access to Unwired managed data center services) - monitoring and telemetry of devices (incl. fleet map monitor with modem signal data) - container management - rollout and lifecycle management of firmware updates - rollout and lifecycle management of containers and their updates - network configurations devices not running Unwired Edge Cloud OS - WiFi -> public WiFi management - create and author captive portal pages/splashpages for public WiFi portals - assign splashpages to device groups to be visible there - web analytics - reports for public WiFi analytics ## Web Console It can be accessed through the [Unwired Edge Cloud Console Developer Tools](https://admin.wifi.unwired.at/developer/playground). ## Automation access API keys can be used to access the API and can be created in the System configuration component of each customer account through the UI. ## Roles Specific roles allow access to specific API features in a read-write or read-only manner. Both users and API keys are bound to specific roles to limit their access scope.